Thank you for visiting the official website of Mansour Bank for Investment (MBI), QNB group.
On 07/1/2019, my duties began as CEO of MBI – one of the leading banks in Iraq.
Over the years, MBI emerged as a remarkable player in Iraq, launching innovative ideas and services into the banking industry.
Today, we offer a wide range of conventional Personal and Wholesale Banking products and services.
Our banking culture is a blend of local as well as international culture built on transparency, accountability, and service excellence. Ultimately, we aim to be the leading customer-centric bank in Iraq by offering ‘Simpler, easier, safer & more convenient’ banking.
We worked in the last 2 years and in parallel on:
Human capital and organization chart, Governance, Reactivate the 3 lines of defense framework, Ensure staff awareness and Business development.
MBI’s strategy continues in the coming three years (2022-2024) and will focus on,
• Implementing sales, performance, and rewards culture.
• Building the required human capital, career path and succession planning.
• Enhance MBI’s risk appetite and leverage our FI products relying on and benefiting from our QNB partner vast network.
• Assemble a comprehensive, sold diversified quality, credit portfolio in turns of sectors, type, and geographical presence, develop products E- channel, network, and call center.
• Improve products and business knowledge and customize propositions according to market needs
Finally, our main Initiative is to be one of the leading banks in Iraq to promote prosperity and sustainability across the markets we serve”.
Believe in change to achieve.
Dr. Walid Abdel Nour
Managing Director